Thursday 16 October 2008

Wow, doesn't sunny weather make you feel better? Long may it last, anything that makes the winter feel shorter gets my vote. I feel in very good spirits today, getting my account to the accountant is one of these things that make me feel light-headed with relief, the preperations of which in past years has been accompanied by horrible allergic-to -stress manifestations, but not this year. Seeing Dillon can always lighten my day, and his mum popped by with him, and he had his tea here. However, my big news, and the news that has me feeling like I want to dance in the street, the news that has me grinning like the proverbial Cheshire cat, the news that is making me feel as if any minute I will burst with pride; is my talented son Lee has been awarded 'Best Dining Pub of the Year' by the Good Pub Guide'. He is the head chef at The Inn @ West End. He is usually very laid back about the awards he wins, but this one matters to him, and that make me doubly pleased.

I have also been painting colour charts for the green paint we do in colours that are exclusive to us. We need to get them on wattstrading web site so they can be accessible to a wider customer base. We intend organising them in semi gloss also, as that is the type of paint that is wanted at the moment. We re-did the window, like a couple of children, Luke and I were very keen to see if the Wooden Warehouse was as lovely as it looked in the picture, and we were delighted with it, it was great fun to arrange the bails of fabric, boxes of tea and barrels of different sizes on the different floors. We also have Zappo driving his wooden horse and cart with his cargo of sacks. The holiday family stand together while father takes a picture with his camara. So altogether a lovely day, how did I get to be so lucky?

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1 comment:

MatnKat said...

Hiya, Love the new blog! Congrats to Lee, you must be so proud :)

Just a quick tip: if you want to improve your search results for Watts Trading, make sure that you include links to the website in your blog, and especially to products that you're talking about in the blog!

